アメリカの公立小学校では、クラス委員を Classroom Parent (Classroom Momとも言う) と呼びます。クラスのイベント、学校行事、ボランティアの募集についてなど、Classroom Parent からそのつどメールが届きます。
【実例】クラス委員からのメール次女が Kindergarten だった時のメールを紹介します(Classroom Parent には利用許可をもらって掲載)。新学期が始まってすぐのメールなので「これからどうぞよろしく」的な内容です。
Dear Room 3 Parents,
My name is Sofia (Ella’s mom) and I am the room parent for Mrs. Smith’s class. I am really excited to be part of the Sky Highland community and am looking forward to getting to know all of you and your children. We are extremely fortunate to have such an amazing teacher, and a terrific class filled with sweet, enthusiastic kindergartners. We are going to have a great year together!
As Room Parent, I will be distributing memos like this one throughout the year to help keep you informed of all the parties, activities, and school events. I will also let you know of ways you can help, volunteer and/or donate. My primary forms of communication will be email and our class wiki (information coming soon!), but I will also send memos home with the kids in their Wednesday envelopes.
Mrs. Smith has some fun events and parties planned for our kids this year including a Winter Holiday party (12/18) and an Aloha Kindergarten, Aloha Summer! celebration (6/4). I will recruit volunteers as the celebrations draw near so please be on the lookout. I would love to have your help! Sign-up sheets will be available online and outside our classroom.
To cover the expenses for these parties, as well as the end of the year gift for Mrs. Smith, I am asking for a contribution of $20 per child. Please make sure you include your child’s name with your check or cash contribution. To collect the funds, I will have a box inside the classroom. This box will be in the classroom throughout the year in case you need to get other documents to me as well.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. My phone number is XXX-XXX-XXXX and my email is ——@—-.
I look forward to working with you to make this year a memorable one for our children.
To cover the expenses for these parties, as well as the end of the year gift for Mrs. Smith, I am asking for a contribution of $20 per child.(イベント経費と年度末に先生に渡すギフトのために、子ども一人につき20ドルの寄付をお願いします。)
Please make sure you include your child’s name with your check or cash contribution.(小切手でも現金でも構いませんが、お子さんの名前を書いておいてください。)
To collect the funds, I will have a box inside the classroom.(教室に箱を用意しますので、その箱にお金を入れてください。)

イベントの日程をメモしようMrs. Smith has some fun events and parties planned for our kids this year including a Winter Holiday party (12/18) and an Aloha Kindergarten, Aloha Summer! celebration (6/4).
Have a wonderful day!
投稿 【アメリカ現地校】クラス委員からのメールが届いたら は Naoko's English Cafe に最初に表示されました。